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Opinnate NSPM; Network Security Policy Management is the process of managing the security rules and procedures established to protect an organization's network.

Opinnate NSPM is a native product that can perform rule analysis, hardening, and automation processes on firewall systems. Opinnate differentiates itself from competitors in three key areas:

o   Ease of Use

  • The key advantage of NSPM solutions, along with features like automation, is that they enable the recovery of operational efficiency, allowing teams to focus on more advanced topics.
  • Thanks to the product's ease of use, you won't have to spend time on managing Opinnate, allowing you to fully benefit from the increased efficiency.

o   Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) 

  • Opinnate offers a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) both in terms of initial purchase cost and the absence of subsequent costs (such as the need for a firewall manager, high disk, CPU, and RAM usage).

o   Licensing Advantage

  • Opinnate licensing is straightforward; it does not require different licenses based on firewall type or separate licensing for switches/routers.


Opinnate Presentation

Opinnate Sample ISO27001 Report


Opinnate One Pager


What is Opinnate

What are the benefits of NSPM?

Opinnate Advantages

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